Smart Water Metering
Smart Water Metering technologies are developing technology in modern water supply system in cities. With smart water meters in place, automatic meter reading (AMR) are made possible.
In addition to remote reading of revenue-grade water consumption, district water consumption patterns, maintenance, water leakage and mis-usage information are key information and intelligence to establish the foundation of smart water system. The applications of smart water metering system address all these issues.
Comprehensive Technologies
WiiNOT provides full range of smart water meters technologies carrying various measuring and communication technologies that include mechanical water meters that integrated with Meter Interface Unit (MIU), ultrasonic water meters with wired or wireless communication functions, water pipeline leakage detection sensor, pressure transducing devices for pipelines, etc.
High Compatibility
WiiNoT supports LoRaWAN, NB-IOT, M-Bus and more communication solutions to suit various needs of applications in smart water systems